Dar-ul Quran Full Time Hifz School & Home School

To ensure your child has an optimal learning experience we have a few requirements that all students must meet before admission. We want to make sure your child is capable of our program and standard, so no time or money is wasted. In doing so, we can anticipate meeting our goal of completion in 3 years (Insha Allah). If your child meets ALL of the following, we encourage you to register them.Darul Quran Hifth School Requirements:
- Age: 10 (minimum), we will not accept students that are younger than 10.
- Your child must have a personal desire to become a Hāfith. We do not allow students that are pressured to do Hifth.
- Your child must be able to recite with proper Tajweed.
- Nadhira (proficiency in recitation). Your child must have completed the Quran at least once (by looking). They will be tested for fluency.
- Preference will be given to those with a background in Hifth. Precedence will be given to those who have memorized a higher number of Ajzā.
- Your child must have respect and a high regard for Quran, it’s preservation, along with everything and everyone that is involved in helping them to do Hifth. (Akhlāq and Adab – exemplary character and manners)
- Certificate of completion will be awarded only to those who stay for the post-Hifth revision. Post-Hifth, or the final revision, may take between 6 months to 1 year. The goal is to close the window of the time it takes the student to complete the entire Quran, from memory, with a slow and composed recitation. The first khatama (completion) is expected from the student within 30 days. Multiple cycles of completion will take place thereafter, and each one will be shorter than the previous. The final completion cycle is 5 ajzā/day, which is to complete in 6 days. This cycle type will be repeated for a few weeks. The timeframe of this entire process will vary from student to student.
- Ijāzah in the Riwāyah of Hafs is available to those students willing to work hard, and pursue a deep relationship with the Quran and its sciences. This is an exclusive program with Sheikh Sajjad, and can only be available upon the recommendation of your child’s teacher. Your child will be recognized as a certified preserver of the Quran, and the Ijāzah will be awarded by Sheikh Sajjad.
Many families from surrounding communities, and even more from out of state are moving to be part of the EPIC community. Many of which are moving so their child can have an opportunity to do Hifth at Darul Quran Hifth School, under the supervision of Sheikh Sajjad. May Allah Most High reward them for their noble intentions and their sacrifices. Please contact the EPIC office and get in touch with one of the Darul Quran Hifth instructors for an evaluation, before relocating. We cannot guarantee admission unless your child meets the necessary requirements.
School Policy – See Detail